Frequently asked questions

Your one-time $149 payment includes a 30 minute initial online visit, an evaluation report available upon request, and treatment plan which may include a prescription (Average psychiatrist visit is $400~$500).

No, you don’t need to have a prior diagnosis. We help clients access the healthcare they need regardless of whether they have seen a psychiatrist in the past or not.

You also don’t need a referral from a primary care physician either. You can start with us directly today.

After your initial visit, the evaluation report will be sent to you upon request. You may use it to apply for the accommodations in school or at work. Please message the provider or email Klarity support.

Not all behavioral health conditions meet the criteria for diagnosis of ADHD. Providers on Klarity are trained professionals who are experts in their field and care deeply about providing excellent quality care to each of their patients.

If for any reason you meet with a care provider for an initial evaluation and it is determined that your specific case requires either in-person treatment, or if extenuating circumstances prevent you from being a good candidate for a treatment plan, the providers on Klarity will recommend other care options to better fit your needs where applicable.

Providers on Klarity are board-certified psychiatric mental health providers who are experienced in evaluating ADHD-related symptoms and disorders.

Certain comorbidities can be treated with a medication treatment plan, but this is handled on a case by case basis. It is recommended that you speak with one of the providers on Klarity to discuss your specific situation in order to determine if a treatment plan is right for you.

During your online visit your provider will carefully review your medical history and evaluate your current symptoms which can include anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD or ADHD.

Absolutely! We do require 24 hours notice, but you may cancel or reschedule appointments all the way until the day before the appointment is due to take place.

For initial appointments, we only charge $10 as a deposit for your appointment at booking, and it’s refundable should you decide to cancel the appointment with 24 hours or more notice. 24 hours prior to your initial appointment, the balance of $139 will be charged.

For all other appointments, you may cancel with 24 hours or more notice to receive a refund of any dues paid. You may also reschedule appointments at no additional cost with 24 hours or more notice.