How to Spot and Treat ADHD Rage in Adults
If you often find yourself struggling to manage your anger, it’s important to consider that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be an underlying cause.
Need help with anxiety, depression, insomnia or ADHD? The Klarity platform connects you with the best private practitioners in the country to improve your mental health online.*
Same Day Appointments Available
*Hybrid services are required in certain states. Some states require periodic in person visits. To learn more about in person visit requirements and locations, please contact your provider directly.
Meet with your dedicated private practitioner for treatment
Head to your local pharmacy after the visit (if applicable)
Meet regularly with your dedicated practitioner
Meet with your dedicated private practitioner for treatment
Receive your diagnosis report after the visit
Head to your local pharmacy after the visit (if applicable)
The Klarity platform offers access to practitioners for both digital first and in person experiences. Stay worry-free with low-cost access to experts who can help you. Meet with one of the practices on our platform as soon as tomorrow.
Not all states allow for refill only visits. Refill only appointments occur solely at the practitioners discretion. Please check with your practitioner to inquire about availability.
No insurance needed. No hidden fees, cancel anytime.
Schedule initial & follow-up visits with your provider anytime you need it.
No subscription or membership required. Pay only for your appointments.
Initial visit
Per follow-ups
Per refills
Please note that the pricing for in-person visits may vary based on various factors such as location, the private practice’s pricing, and other considerations.
*When switching to a new provider, Klarity discounts the initial visit fee ($149) to be equivalent to the follow-up visit fee ($59). There is no net new cost to switch to a different provider.
Over the years, we have focused on one thing: Connecting you to personalized and simplified mental health care professionals through our online marketplace. We now offer access in 30+ states, offering 100+ licensed & certified psychiatric experts, bringing you the worry-free & low-cost online services for mental health care you deserve.
Online Visits
Medical Experts
If you often find yourself struggling to manage your anger, it’s important to consider that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be an underlying cause.
We’ve all had nights when we were so tired that we went to bed hoping to get a good night’s sleep but all we did
Lexapro and Prozac are among the most commonly-prescribed medications for anxiety and depression. They have a lot of similarities, but there are important differences that
These are real testimonials from real patients working with practitioners on the Klarity Platform
Wade B.
Jennis, F.
Robert L.
New York
Begin today and meet with a practitioner in your state who is available in as soon as 1 day to help you on your journey to wellness.
All professional services are provided by independent private practices via the Klarity technology platform. Klarity Health, Inc. does not provide any medical services.
Phone: (866) 391-3314
Fax: (855) 975-3008
Email: patientsupport@helloklarity.com
PO Box 5098 Redwood City, CA 94063
100 Broadway Street, Redwood City CA, 94063
If you’re having an emergency or in emotional distress, here are some resources for immediate help: Emergency: Call 911. National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Call 988. Crisis Text Line: Text Home to 741-741