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Autism vs social anxiety: Similarities and differences
Mental Health Therapy

Autism vs social anxiety: Similarities and differences

Autism vs social anxiety. What’s the difference? These two mental health disorders have overlapping symptoms, but the differences determine whether you’re socially anxious or autistic. Are you experiencing social anxiety, or are you on the autism spectrum? While there are

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An image of a blue umbrella in a sea of gray umbrellas to indicate "does insurance cover mental health therapy"
therapy treatment

Does Insurance Cover Mental Health Therapy?

If you’re looking to start working with a mental health therapist, you’ve already taken  the biggest step. Working with a therapist can help grapple with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. But does insurance cover mental health therapy? This

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Therapy Goals
therapy treatment

Therapy Goals: How to Set Goals You Can Achieve

Therapy is an undeniably valuable resource for personal growth and promoting mental well-being. One crucial aspect of therapy is setting and working toward specific goals that you wish to achieve, whether thought or behavior-based. Think of goal-setting in therapy as

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6 Benefits of Teletherapy
therapy treatment

6 Benefits of Teletherapy

If you’ve ever considered seeking mental health services, the term ‘teletherapy’ has probably crossed your mind. Teletherapy, also known as online therapy, offers a convenient alternative to traditional in-person mental health counseling sessions, allowing you to consult with licensed therapists

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Is Therapy Worth It? 
therapy treatment

Is Therapy Worth It? 

Navigating the complexities of life can leave you grappling with various emotions, stressors, and questions. If you’ve been hearing about the benefits of therapy or you’re personally considering it as an option, you may find yourself wondering, “is therapy worth

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8 Benefits of Counseling
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Benefits of Counseling

Are you facing personal issues, relationship struggles, or stress at work and school? If you are, you may think you have to face it alone, but you don’t. Counseling can offer invaluable support to get you through life’s many challenges.

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How Long Does It Take For Therapy to Work?
therapy treatment

How Long Does It Take For Therapy to Work?

Starting therapy often comes with a handful of questions, among the most common being the timeframe for noticeable progress. It’s natural to want quick relief from emotional struggles, whether it’s anxiety, depression, ADHD, or insomnia. However, the timeline for achieving

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How Does Therapy Help in the Treatment of Depression?
therapy treatment

How Does Therapy Help in the Treatment of Depression?

The challenges of depression can often feel overwhelming, leaving you in search of effective treatment options. If you’re curious about the role therapy plays in alleviating depression, know that you’re among many seeking the same clarity. Therapy, or psychotherapy, has

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How Long Are Therapy Sessions
therapy treatment

How Long Are Therapy Sessions?

Speaking regularly to a therapist whom you can trust offers numerous benefits to those seeking to overcome issues with mental health such as anxiety or depression. But who has the time to fit regular therapy sessions into an already jam-packed

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Can a Therapist Diagnose Mental Health Disorders
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Can a Therapist Diagnose Mental Health Disorders?

The complexities of mental health care often leads to pressing questions, like wondering what type of healthcare provider is right for you or can a therapist diagnose mental health disorders? This is important to know when considering who to consult

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Therapists Prescribe Medication
therapy treatment

Can Therapists Prescribe Medication?

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, ADHD, insomnia, or other mental health issues, knowing the limitations and capabilities of therapists versus other licensed mental health providers can guide you toward proper treatment. One question that often comes up when considering

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