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Depression Treatments

Types of Therapy for Depression

Feeling lost in the fog of depression can leave you overwhelmed and unsure where to turn for help. Luckily, there are types of therapy for depression that can guide you during this challenging time. Finding the right type of depression

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How to Deal with Holiday Depression
Depression Signs & Symptoms

How to deal with holiday depression: 6 tips

For those dealing with holiday depression, the season of joy may not feel joyful at all. Holiday depression is more common than you may think. In a national survey on holiday depression done by the National Alliance on Mental Health

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Why Does Depression Come and Go?
Depression Treatments

Why Does Depression Come and Go?

Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide, often puzzling both those who experience its symptoms and their loved ones due to its fluctuating nature. Unlike many physical illnesses with clear and consistent symptoms, depression can

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Can Depression Cause Weight Loss
Depression Treatments

Can Depression Cause Weight Loss?

Struggling with depression can feel like walking against a relentless wind, and for many, this struggle extends to their appetite and the number on the scale. The unexpected weight loss that accompanies the emotional burden of depression is a silent

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Can Depression Cause Hair Loss
Depression Treatments

Can Depression Cause Hair Loss?

Finding clumps or strands of hair on your pillow can be distressing. It’s normal to shed some hair every day, like in the shower, but noticeable hair loss can be a sign that something deeper is at play. For those

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Are you suffering from depression symptoms and wondering if those feelings will go away?
Depression Treatments

Is Depression Permanent?

If you’ve found yourself questioning whether depression is a lifelong journey or a temporary detour, you’re not alone. This question is a critical one for millions who find themselves in the grips of this challenging mental health condition. In this

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Connect With An Online Mental Health Provider Today
Depression Treatments

How to Get Prescribed Zoloft Online

If you’re dealing with depression and are feeling weighed down by its symptoms, visiting a healthcare provider can feel like an impossible task. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, unable to focus, or drained of energy, getting an antidepressant prescription online can

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Who Can Prescribe Antidepressants
Depression Treatments

Who Can Prescribe Antidepressants?

Have you reached the point in your mental health journey where you want to take antidepressants but don’t know who to turn to? While antidepressant medication isn’t for everyone, it’s important to consult a mental health professional who is licensed

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doxepin and protriptyline
Depression Signs & Symptoms

Doxepin vs. Protriptyline

Finding the right treatment for your depression symptoms can take time as you and your healthcare provider work to adjust your doses and navigate side effects.  While doxepin and protriptyline are tricyclic antidepressants that may not work for everyone, they

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Diagnosing ADHD in Adults
Depression Treatments

How To Get Antidepressants Without Insurance

Living without health insurance coverage is stressful, especially if you are living with a chronic mental health condition, such as depression. If you are under or uninsured, it may seem impossible to be able to afford the care you need,

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Young, upset woman curled up in blanket on couch
Depression Treatments

Pamelor vs. Tofranil: Which Should I Take?

In this article, we will give a side-by-side comparison guide of these two medications, going over major similarities and differences, so you can be better informed when discussing depression treatment options with your healthcare provider.

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Woman about to take pill, looking down, holding glass of water in other hand
Depression Treatments

Nortriptyline vs. Amoxapine: Which Should I Take?

In this article, we take a deeper look into two commonly prescribed antidepressant medications, Nortriptyline and amoxapine. We will discuss what they are used for, potential side effects and warnings associated with each so that you can be better informed

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Depression Treatments

Job Loss Depression

Losing a job can be stressful, especially during a recession. You might be concerned about financial security or grieving the loss of your work relationships. You’re not alone, and there are strategies to help you navigate symptoms of job loss

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Celexa vs. Paxil
Anxiety Treatments

Celexa vs. Paxil: Which One Should I Take?

Depression and anxiety are complex conditions that affect each individual differently, which is why choosing the right medication is an important decision. If you are considering treatment with Celexa or Paxil, or if you are currently taking one of these

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Finding the right medication for depression and anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when so many treatment options are available on the market
Anxiety Treatments

Cymbalta vs. Effexor: Which One Should I Take?

Finding the right medication for depression and anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when so many treatment options are available on the market. How do you know which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll compare Cymbalta and Effexor;

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Living with depression can be draining, and finding the right treatment for your symptoms often takes time
Depression Treatments

Silenor vs. Pamelor

Living with depression is draining—especially when your depression symptoms are resistant to treatment. When you have treatment-resistant depression, mental health providers often turn to less common antidepressants to try to relieve symptoms.  Silenor and Pamelor are two tricyclic antidepressant medications

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Woman Looking At Pill
Depression Treatments

Prozac vs. Viibryd: Which One Should I Take?

If you are searching for relief from your mental health condition, knowing which medication is right for you can be overwhelming. With all of the options available, it can be difficult to even choose between well-known antidepressants like Prozac and

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Woman With Pills In Hand
Anxiety Treatments

Lexapro vs. Prozac  

Lexapro and Prozac are among the most commonly-prescribed medications for anxiety and depression. They have a lot of similarities, but there are important differences that may make one better for you.

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Woman With Pills In Hand
Depression Treatments

Amoxapine vs. Amitriptyline 

Though amoxapine and amitriptyline have similar effects on the body and brain, one may work better for you depending on your symptoms, body chemistry, and contraindicated medications or conditions. The comparison guide below can help you decide which one may

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Man Taking Pill
Anxiety Treatments

Prozac vs. Paxil: Which One Should I Take?

If you struggle with anxiety or depression, you have most likely heard of Prozac or Paxil. These two medications belong to a larger class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed and most

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Anxious Woman
Anxiety Treatments

Zoloft vs. Luvox: Which One Should I Take?

Zoloft and Luvox belong to the same class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They have a similar effect on the neurochemical called serotonin, which helps regulate important bodily functions, such as mood, sleep, and appetite, to name

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Man Taking Pills
Anxiety Treatments

Norpramin vs. Doxepin: Which Should I Take?

If you are exploring tricyclic antidepressants, chances are you have treatment-resistant depression, haven’t responded well to first-line depression treatments like SSRIs or SNRIs, or have comorbid mental illnesses that require treatment with tricyclics. As you are probably aware, there are

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Woman Taking Pill
Anxiety Treatments

Prozac vs. Celexa

Prozac and Celexa are two of the most common medications used to treat anxiety and depression. Although these medications are similar, there are key differences between the two that should be considered before starting a new medication.  In this article,

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Woman taking a pill
Depression Treatments

Pamelor vs Amitriptyline

If you have treatment-resistant depression and have already spent months trying SSRIs and SNRIs without finding relief from your depression symptoms, you may be ready to throw in the towel. Don’t give up yet.  There are antidepressants called tricyclic antidepressants

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Woman taking a pill
Depression Treatments

Pamelor vs. Protriptyline

Tricyclics are usually prescribed when antidepressants like SSRIs and SNRIs don’t work. If you are researching tricyclic antidepressants, chances are you have tried first-line depression treatments and they haven’t been effective in treating your treatment-resistant depression. However, there are many

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Woman taking a pill
Depression Treatments

Amoxapine vs Trimipramine: Two Tricyclic Antidepressants

If you are researching tricyclic antidepressants, chances are you’ve tried first-line depression treatments, and they haven’t worked for you. Tricyclic antidepressants are often prescribed for people who have treatment-resistant depression.  Amoxapine and trimipramine are two tricyclic antidepressants that can be

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Woman with anxiety
ADHD Treatments

Vyvanse and Wellbutrin: Can You Take Them Together?

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are almost three times more likely to develop depression than the general population. Treating both conditions is important, but are there effective treatment options that can simultaneously help treat ADHD and depression? Vyvanse

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Woman tired
ADHD signs and symptoms

The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD

It’s a common misperception that ADHD is only a children’s disease. Though commonly diagnosed in school-aged children, not all ADHD symptoms go away when those children grow into adults.  Sometimes, a person won’t develop ADHD symptoms until after they reach

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Woman with pill on her hand and a doctor
Depression Treatments

Zoloft vs. Viibryd

If you suffer from depression, you have most likely heard of the drug Zoloft. But what about Viibryd? There are a number of medications used in the treatment of depression, and finding which medication is best for you can be

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Viibryd vs Luvox
Depression Treatments

Viibryd vs Luvox

If you have depression or anxiety, you may be considering selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to effectively treat your symptoms. Choosing the right medication can be a challenge, especially since many of them have similar effects on the body and

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The woman reading the bottle of pills and talking with her doctor
Depression Treatments

Trimipramine vs Amitriptyline

When you are living with depression, it’s important that you find a treatment that’s going to give you relief from your symptoms. But with all of the antidepressant medications available, it can be difficult to understand which one will be

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Tofranil vs Amitriptyline
Depression Treatments

Tofranil vs Amitriptyline

Dealing with depression is challenging, and the number of different types of antidepressants can make finding the right treatment overwhelming. If you have tried first-line antidepressant treatment and haven’t had success, you might be considering different antidepressant drugs to treat

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Online Treatment For ADHD, Anxiety, Depression
Depression Treatments

Paxil vs. Luvox: Which One Should I Take?

Depression and anxiety disorders can make it challenging to think clearly, so comparing medications as similar as Paxil and Luvox can quickly become confusing. Managing a mental illness is already difficult enough without the added frustration of sifting through medical

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Paxil vs. Viibryd
Depression Treatments

Paxil vs. Viibryd: Which One Should I Take?

When you’re looking for treatment for your depression or anxiety, you may feel confused and overwhelmed by the wide variety of antidepressants available, which can make choosing one difficult.   This medication guide compares two common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—Paxil

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SSRIs vs. Tricyclics
Depression Treatments

SSRIs vs. Tricyclics: Which One Should I Take?

Are you experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression and are unsure which treatment option is best for you? With so many different medications available, it may seem difficult to understand which medication to choose.  In this article, we’ll discuss the

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How to Get Anxiety & Depression Medication Online
Anxiety Treatments

How to Get Anxiety & Depression Medication Online

In the past, receiving mental health treatment often meant enduring long wait lists to see a psychiatrist and further waiting periods for follow-ups and medication adjustments. However, with current telehealth technology, people seeking relief from anxiety and depression symptoms can

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Bottle of pills spilled out for display
Anxiety Treatments

Zoloft vs. Prozac

Choosing to take medication to manage your anxiety can be difficult, especially when you’re faced with a long list of available options. Even choosing between well-known medications like Zoloft and Prozac can be a significant challenge.   Both Prozac and Zoloft

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Can You Have Anxiety & Depression at the Same Time
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Can You Have Anxiety and Depression at the Same Time?

Though depressive and anxiety disorders are typically separate diagnoses, the two have a complicated relationship. It is not only possible for people to experience depression and anxiety symptoms simultaneously, but due to the many shared symptoms, it is likely. The

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