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How To Get Prescribed Xanax: How to Get Your Prescription
Anxiety Treatments

How to get prescribed Xanax

Are you struggling with anxiety symptoms or a panic disorder and looking for information on how to get prescribed Xanax? You’re not alone. Millions of people around the world face similar challenges, and having Xanax prescribed to them has been

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Wellbutrin For Anxiety
anxiety meds

Wellbutrin for anxiety

If you’re struggling to find a solution to your anxiety, you should consider Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin, an antidepressant medication, is known for its efficacy in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. Its unique mechanism of action sets it apart as a

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How to Tell if Shortness of Breath is from Anxiety
Anxiety Treatments

How to Tell if Shortness of Breath is from Anxiety

If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, you’re likely worried about its cause. Is it anxiety or an underlying health issue? Throughout this article, we’ll explore the connection between anxiety and breathing difficulties by understanding the causes, differentiating anxiety-induced symptoms from

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Young man isolated from others in background wondering how to overcome social anxiety.
Anxiety signs and symptoms

How to overcome social anxiety: expert tips

Have you ever felt anxious before a party and been afraid to embarrass yourself publicly? If yes, you’ve had a small taste of what it feels like to have social anxiety. But for people with social anxiety disorder, these fears

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Are Anxiety Meds Addictive?
Anxiety Treatments

Are Anxiety Meds Addictive?

If you’ve been struggling with anxiety and believe in prescription medication as an effective method for treatment, it’s important to recognize their potential for addiction and only use them as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Following the correct dosage of

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Does Therapy Help With Anxiety
Anxiety Treatments

Does Therapy Help With Anxiety?

If you’re among the millions of Americans struggling with anxiety, you’re far from alone. Anxiety disorders, such as separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, are the most common mental health conditions in the U.S., affecting over 40

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Prozac For Anxiety
Anxiety Treatments

Prozac For Anxiety

When anxious or uneasy feelings persist or become overwhelming, they can interfere with daily life, leading to what we recognize as an anxiety disorder. If you are experiencing this, know that you’re not alone, and more importantly, there are solutions

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Girl take medicine after doctor order
Anxiety Treatments

Propranolol for Anxiety

If you’ve been struggling with anxiety and searching for the right type of treatment you’re not alone. During your search for anxiety treatment options, you likely came across propranolol for anxiety. Propranolol is a medication primarily used to treat conditions

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Asian senior woman using video conference, make online consultation with pharmacy consulting about illness and medication via video call. Telehealth, Telemedicine and online hospital.
Anxiety Treatments

Clonidine For Anxiety

If you’re on a quest to find effective solutions for your anxiety symptoms, you may have come across Clonidine (clonidine hydrochloride) as a potential treatment. Clonidine has emerged as a promising option to treat anxiety and has shown positive results

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Young adult man reading prescription medication box
Anxiety Treatments

Zoloft For Anxiety

If you are suffering from panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder, you may benefit from an SSRI like Zoloft. Zoloft, when taken properly, can help you find relief from anxiety symptoms and take back control of your

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Carvedilol and Propranolol Anxiety
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Carvedilol vs. Propranolol: Which Should I Take?

Living with anxiety is challenging, but finding the right medication shouldn’t be. Many different medications are used to treat anxiety, and each class of medications is used to target specific symptoms.  In this article, we will compare two commonly prescribed

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How to Reduce Anxiety Immediately
Anxiety Treatments

How to Reduce Anxiety Immediately

If you are currently experiencing symptoms of anxiety, it’s important that you take the necessary steps to calm yourself down and prevent a panic attack. Whether you are having physical anxiety symptoms such as sweaty palms or a rapid heart

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When to Seek Help For Anxiety
Anxiety Treatments

When to Seek Help For Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety every now and then—it’s normal in certain situations or events, like a job interview or performing on stage. However, if you experience anxiety every day over routine things like driving your car or speaking to coworkers, you

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proper anti-anxiety medication
Anxiety Treatments

Cymbalta vs. Pristiq

Finding the proper anti-anxiety medication can be a daunting task. With so many treatment options available in today’s market, it can be difficult to understand the differences between medications and which one may work best for you.  Cymbalta and Pristiq

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Woman sitting on couch thinking, starring down
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Can Anxiety Cause Night Sweats?

Anxiety can cause night sweats, but how? Just because you have the occasional night sweats doesn’t necessarily mean you have an anxiety disorder.  In this post, we explore the many causes of night sweats. From an anxiety disorder to certain

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Celexa vs. Paxil
Anxiety Treatments

Celexa vs. Paxil: Which One Should I Take?

Depression and anxiety are complex conditions that affect each individual differently, which is why choosing the right medication is an important decision. If you are considering treatment with Celexa or Paxil, or if you are currently taking one of these

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Finding the right medication for depression and anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when so many treatment options are available on the market
Anxiety Treatments

Cymbalta vs. Effexor: Which One Should I Take?

Finding the right medication for depression and anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when so many treatment options are available on the market. How do you know which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll compare Cymbalta and Effexor;

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Anxious Woman
Anxiety signs and symptoms

What is Debilitating Anxiety?

It’s normal to feel anxiety or nervousness amid changes or during a high-pressure situation, such as giving a performance or public speaking. However, if you feel anxiety often and avoid certain situations, events, or people because of it, you may

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Online Treatment For ADHD, Anxiety, Depression
Anxiety Treatments

Lopressor vs. Tenormin: Which Should I Take?

In this article, we’ll discuss how beta-blockers Lopressor and Tenormin can treat physical symptoms of anxiety so that you can have a thorough discussion with your healthcare provider about the right anxiety treatment for you.

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Woman Drinking Water
Anxiety Treatments

Coreg vs Zebeta: Which Should I Take?

With so many drugs on the market for anxiety treatment, finding the right medication for you can seem like a daunting task. In this article, we will offer a full side-by-side comparison guide for the two commonly prescribed medications, Coreg

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Woman Looking At Pills
Anxiety Treatments

BuSpar (Buspirone) for Anxiety: Is it Right for Me?

Traditional anxiety medications come with a whole host of undesirable side effects that can make it hard to get things done during the day. If you can’t take benzodiazepines because of your job, family responsibilities, or medical history, then you’ll

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Woman With Pills In Hand
Anxiety Treatments

Lexapro vs. Prozac  

Lexapro and Prozac are among the most commonly-prescribed medications for anxiety and depression. They have a lot of similarities, but there are important differences that may make one better for you.

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Man Taking Pill
Anxiety Treatments

Prozac vs. Paxil: Which One Should I Take?

If you struggle with anxiety or depression, you have most likely heard of Prozac or Paxil. These two medications belong to a larger class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed and most

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Anxious Woman
Anxiety Treatments

Zoloft vs. Luvox: Which One Should I Take?

Zoloft and Luvox belong to the same class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). They have a similar effect on the neurochemical called serotonin, which helps regulate important bodily functions, such as mood, sleep, and appetite, to name

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Woman With Headache
Anxiety Treatments

Lopressor vs. Inderal For Anxiety: Which Should I Take?

Anxiety symptoms can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve tried medication after medication and nothing seems to be working. While beta-blockers like Lopressor and Inderal are primarily used to treat circulatory or cardiovascular problems, they can also effectively manage anxiety. 

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Man Taking Pills
Anxiety Treatments

Norpramin vs. Doxepin: Which Should I Take?

If you are exploring tricyclic antidepressants, chances are you have treatment-resistant depression, haven’t responded well to first-line depression treatments like SSRIs or SNRIs, or have comorbid mental illnesses that require treatment with tricyclics. As you are probably aware, there are

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Woman With Headache
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Is Catastrophizing a Symptom of Anxiety?

Catastrophizing is something that almost everyone experiences now and then; however, some people have an easier time putting these thoughts aside. In general, catastrophizing is when your mind gets stuck considering all the worst possible outcomes that your brain can

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Woman Taking Pill
Anxiety Treatments

Prozac vs. Celexa

Prozac and Celexa are two of the most common medications used to treat anxiety and depression. Although these medications are similar, there are key differences between the two that should be considered before starting a new medication.  In this article,

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Woman taking a pill
Anxiety Treatments

Tricyclics vs. Beta Blockers For Anxiety Disorders

If you can’t take benzodiazepines to treat anxiety because their side effects prevent you from functioning effectively at your job or in your day-to-day activities, you’ll likely have explored other anxiety treatment options. Tricyclics and beta blockers are two classes

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Woman having a Panic Attack
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack

It’s that feeling again—you feel tense, anxious, and out of breath. Your heart rate increases and you begin to sweat. But what’s happening to you? You’ve heard people describe similar experiences as panic attacks and anxiety attacks. But how do

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Woman tired
ADHD signs and symptoms

The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD

It’s a common misperception that ADHD is only a children’s disease. Though commonly diagnosed in school-aged children, not all ADHD symptoms go away when those children grow into adults.  Sometimes, a person won’t develop ADHD symptoms until after they reach

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Woman with headache
Anxiety signs and symptoms

10 Tips to Overcome Performance Anxiety at Work

Do you experience workplace anxiety? This is fairly normal, according to Sixty-two percent of workers report that their jobs cause high levels of stress, anxiety, extreme fatigue, and feelings of being out of control.  Only 5% said that their

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Woman taking medication tablet with glass of water
Anxiety Treatments

Coreg vs Lopressor For Anxiety: Which Should I Take?

Benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, or Valium are a common  treatment for many anxiety disorders. However, benzodiazepines can be highly addictive, and their side effects include drowsiness, sedation, confusion, unsteadiness, and more. For people with a history of substance abuse or

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Protriptyline and Amitriptyline
Anxiety Treatments

Protriptyline vs. Amitriptyline: Which Should I Take?

Are you dissatisfied with your current anxiety medications? Maybe you want to learn more about your different treatment options. With so many different medications used for anxiety and depression treatment, finding the best option for you can be overwhelming.  Protriptyline

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Doxepin and Amitriptyline
Anxiety Treatments

Doxepin vs. Amitriptyline

Are you dissatisfied with your anxiety or depression medication, or would you like to learn more about different treatment options? There are a large number of medications available, which can make this process feel overwhelming.  In this article, we will

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How to Get Anxiety & Depression Medication Online
Anxiety Treatments

How to Get Anxiety & Depression Medication Online

In the past, receiving mental health treatment often meant enduring long wait lists to see a psychiatrist and further waiting periods for follow-ups and medication adjustments. However, with current telehealth technology, people seeking relief from anxiety and depression symptoms can

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Bottle of pills spilled out for display
Anxiety Treatments

Zoloft vs. Prozac

Choosing to take medication to manage your anxiety can be difficult, especially when you’re faced with a long list of available options. Even choosing between well-known medications like Zoloft and Prozac can be a significant challenge.   Both Prozac and Zoloft

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Can You Have Anxiety & Depression at the Same Time
Anxiety signs and symptoms

Can You Have Anxiety and Depression at the Same Time?

Though depressive and anxiety disorders are typically separate diagnoses, the two have a complicated relationship. It is not only possible for people to experience depression and anxiety symptoms simultaneously, but due to the many shared symptoms, it is likely. The

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