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we’ll help you understand the side effects of Qelbree in detail
ADHD Treatments

Qelbree Side Effects

When seeking effective solutions for living with and managing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), it’s essential to explore the benefits and potential drawbacks of various treatment options. Qelbree, a medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, offers an

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Learn about Strattera's impact on weight loss, benefits, and risks with this ultimate guide from Klarity.
ADHD Treatments

Strattera Weight Loss

If you’re seeking solutions to manage your Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), exploring various prescription drugs as treatment options is a good place to start. Among these, Strattera (generic name: Atomoxetine) stands out as a non-stimulant medication that is recognized

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effexor vs wellbutrin
ADHD Treatments

Effexor vs. Wellbutrin

Two commonly prescribed options of antidepressant medications are Effexor and Wellbutrin. Living with a mental health condition can feel like navigating through a maze without a map. Adding to this complexity is the challenge of choosing the right prescription medication.

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Does Wellbutrin Cause Hair Loss
ADHD Treatments

Does Wellbutrin Cause Hair Loss?

If you’re considering Wellbutrin (bupropion) or already on it, you may be alarmed by discussions hinting at its link with hair loss and thinning hair. In this article, we’ll answer the question, “Does Wellbutrin cause hair loss?” We’ll also cover

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Vyvamind Reviews: Does It Really Help With Focus?
ADHD Treatments

Vyvamind Reviews

If you’re here, chances are you’ve heard of Vyvamind and are wondering if this popular supplement is really as effective for focus and mental clarity as people claim it to be. You’re in the right place. In this article, we

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Wellbutrin Side Effects First Week
ADHD Treatments

Wellbutrin Side Effects First Week

Starting a new medication like Wellbutrin can bring on a mix of hope and concern. You’re hopeful it will alleviate your symptoms, yet anxious about the potential side effects that may come, especially in the first week.  This blog serves

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Stimulant vs Non-Stimulant ADHD Meds: Ultimate Guide
ADHD Treatments

Stimulant vs. Non-Stimulant ADHD Meds

Have you been finding it hard to pay attention or noticed an increased sense of impulsivity in your life? Then you may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which through Klarity can be treated and managed through medication. ADHD is a

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Learn if You Have ADHD or OCD Today With Klarity
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD vs. OCD: What’s The Difference?

If you struggle with symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, impulsivity, or repetitive behaviors, it’s important to know whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) vs. obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be at play. These two mental health conditions, though often misunderstood or

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How To Focus with ADHD at Home
ADHD signs and symptoms

How To Focus with ADHD at Home

Maintaining focus with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a challenge in any environment. Staying focused at home, however, presents its own unique set of obstacles to overcome. The lack of structure in a work or school environment can make

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ADHD in Men: Symptoms & Treatments
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD in Men: Symptoms & Treatments

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, better known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder typically diagnosed in childhood that often persists into adulthood. While its symptoms are universally experienced, their manifestation can differ significantly between men and women due to a range of

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ADHD vs. Trauma
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD vs. Trauma

Living with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be challenging, and it often comes with a variety of symptoms that affect daily life. But did you know that some of these ADHD symptoms can overlap with those experienced by people who

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Do I Have ADHD or Am I Just Lazy?
ADHD signs and symptoms

Do I Have ADHD or Am I Just Lazy?

Do your days often end with an unfinished “to-do” list or various forgotten tasks? Do loved ones become annoyed or frustrated at your inability to arrive on time, follow a schedule, or remember to keep your commitments? Perhaps you’ve even

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Do I Have ADHD or Am I Just Lazy?
ADHD signs and symptoms

Do I Have ADHD or Am I Just Lazy?

Do your days often end with an unfinished “to-do” list or various forgotten tasks? Do loved ones become annoyed or frustrated at your inability to arrive on time, follow a schedule, or remember to keep your commitments? Perhaps you’ve even

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Diagnosing ADHD in Adults
ADHD signs and symptoms

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults

Though ADHD diagnoses are usually associated with children, there are many reasons why someone may reach adulthood without realizing they’re neurodivergent. This lack of diagnosis can be an extremely frustrating experience as individuals try to navigate higher education, jobs, and

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Man with hands on head, eyes closed, thinking graphic coming out of head
ADHD Treatments

ADHD Medication Guide

Looking for the right ADHD medication can be overwhelming—especially since there’s a wide range of medications available. It can be hard to know which one will work best for you with the fewest side effects. That’s where our ADHD medication

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Woman staring at laptop, hand on head, looking bummed out
ADHD signs and symptoms

Strattera vs. Focalin For ADHD: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to finding the right ADHD medication, navigating the wide variety of available medications can quickly become confusing. You may find yourself asking: Do I need a central nervous system stimulant (CNS) or a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)?

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Upset looking man with hand on forehead, eyes closed, in front of laptop, headphones around neck
adhd therapy

Adult ADHD Statistics

In this article, we’ll discuss how ADHD impacts adults and the available resources you can use to navigate ADHD symptoms and get an accurate diagnosis.

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How Does a Psychiatrist Diagnose ADHD in Adults?
ADHD Treatments

How Does a Psychiatrist Diagnose ADHD in Adults?

If you experience symptoms consistently associated with ADHD, you could be a diagnosis away from improved focus and attention span. Klarity can connect you with a mental health provider within just 48 hours of booking your appointment – no insurance

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Close-up of Pills
ADHD Treatments

Where to Find Adderall During the 2022 Shortage

Due to supply chain and labor issues, the FDA announced an Adderall shortage in October 2022. Abrupt changes in your medication schedule can be stressful when you’re trying to manage work, school, and other responsibilities.  If you’re forced to stop

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Woman looking confused at the pills
ADHD signs and symptoms

Ritalin vs. Focalin

If you’re in search of an ADHD medication to effectively manage your ADHD symptoms, you’ve likely encountered two commonly prescribed stimulants—Ritalin and Focalin. Although both belong to the stimulant class of drugs, they differ in their characteristics and potential side

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Woman with headache
ADHD Treatments

Reasons Why There is an Adderall Shortage

You might have recently tried to renew your Adderall prescription but to no avail. The go-to amphetamine-based stimulant is in short supply all over the country. Manufacturers, suppliers, and pharmacies knew supplies were low as of April 2022.  Still, it

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Woman with anxiety
ADHD Treatments

Vyvanse and Wellbutrin: Can You Take Them Together?

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are almost three times more likely to develop depression than the general population. Treating both conditions is important, but are there effective treatment options that can simultaneously help treat ADHD and depression? Vyvanse

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Woman tired
ADHD signs and symptoms

The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD

It’s a common misperception that ADHD is only a children’s disease. Though commonly diagnosed in school-aged children, not all ADHD symptoms go away when those children grow into adults.  Sometimes, a person won’t develop ADHD symptoms until after they reach

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How ADHD causes Emotional Dysregulation
ADHD signs and symptoms

How ADHD causes Emotional Dysregulation

If you have ADHD, you’ve likely experienced emotional dysregulation, even if you didn’t know it.  Emotional dysregulation refers to difficulties with controlling, expressing, and understanding emotions. It involves experiencing intense emotional reactions that are quickly triggered and are usually slower

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Jornay PM vs. Ritalin: What’s the Difference?
ADHD Treatments

Jornay PM vs. Ritalin: What’s the Difference?

Ritalin, as a first-generation ADHD medication, is one of the biggest names in treating ADHD symptoms. However, the recent release of Jornay PM offers patients an innovative and effective alternative. So, which one is more effective in treating ADHD symptoms?

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Woman looking at pill with glass of water in other hand
ADHD Treatments

Vyvanse vs. Focalin: What’s the Difference?

Choosing a medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be confusing, especially when so many have similar active ingredients and effects on the brain. Stimulant medications like Vyvanse and Focalin are often prescribed to regulate symptoms of ADHD.  These medications

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Vyvanse vs Ritalin Whats the Difference and Which One Should I Take
ADHD Treatments

Vyvanse vs Ritalin

Deciding between ADHD medications can be confusing and frustrating, especially when they’re as similar as Vyvanse and Ritalin. These medications are two of the most widely prescribed stimulant medications to treat ADHD. Which one is better for you depends on

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Adderall XR vs Adderall
ADHD Treatments

Adderall XR vs. Adderall: Which One Should I Take?

Navigating the wide variety of medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be frustrating and confusing, especially when the medications are extremely similar. Adderall IR is one of the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications for reducing symptoms and regulating

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Why Do Stimulants Calm ADHD
ADHD Treatments

Why Do Stimulants Calm ADHD?

If you were recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you or your healthcare provider may be considering stimulants as a way to treat your symptoms. The term “stimulants” can be confusing, especially because this class of drugs has

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Psychological Testing for ADHD in Adults
ADHD Treatments

Psychological Testing for ADHD in Adults

Do you struggle with persistent challenges in staying focused and completing tasks? Does it often feel like your mind is racing from one thought to another, making it difficult to concentrate on what’s important? If so, you may have attention

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Vyvanse vs Strattera Whats the Difference
ADHD Treatments

Vyvanse vs. Strattera

When choosing between stimulant and non-stimulant ADHD medication, it can be hard to determine which kind will have the most effect with the fewest side effects. For instance, Vyvanse and Strattera are prescription medications used to manage the symptoms of

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Adhansia XR vs Adderall Whats the Difference
ADHD Treatments

Adhansia XR vs. Adderall: What’s the Difference?

Finding the right ADHD medication can be overwhelming, especially if you’re exploring stimulant medications. All stimulant-based ADHD medications work by boosting norepinephrine and dopamine levels to alleviate symptoms. However, each one is slightly different—this makes it hard to know which

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How to Spot and Treat ADHD Anger in Adults
ADHD signs and symptoms

How to Spot and Treat ADHD Anger in Adults

If you often find yourself struggling to manage your anger, it’s important to consider that ADHD may be an underlying cause. Individuals with undiagnosed ADHD can experience heightened irritability and are more prone to angry outbursts because their symptoms are

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adhd at work
ADHD signs and symptoms

Coping with ADHD Overstimulation

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you likely struggle with overstimulation. Things others can ignore—like a car revving outside, a cell phone ringing in a restaurant, or the smell of lunch mingling with their perfume—may completely envelop a

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Female with ADHD fatigue
ADHD signs and symptoms

Is Overthinking a Sign of ADHD?

Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often experience challenges such as racing thoughts, persistent rumination, and hyper-fixation on minor details. While these traits can fuel curiosity and aid in problem-solving, they can also lead to the unhealthy habit of overthinking.

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modafinil versus adderall
ADHD Treatments

Concerta vs. Ritalin

Finding the right ADHD medication can be challenging, particularly when considering medications with similar properties like Concerta and Ritalin. Although these medications share an active ingredient that effectively addresses the symptoms of ADHD, there are key distinctions between them. In

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vyvanse versus adderall
ADHD Treatments

Concerta vs Vyvanse: What’s the Difference?

When choosing a medication to help manage your ADHD symptoms, it can be difficult to discern which medication is better suited to your specific needs and goals. Though most ADHD medications are stimulant-based and have similar effects on the central

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handful of adhd medication
ADHD Treatments

Adderall vs. Quillivant

Some ADHD medications are so similar that deciding which one to try begins to feel like a guessing game. Since acclimating to a new medication takes several weeks, it could take time before you realize you’ve chosen incorrectly—and then you

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adhd myths
ADHD Treatments

Evekeo vs. Adderall

Choosing the right ADHD medication can be daunting, especially with so many available choices. Though having a wide variety of available medications means more people can get treatment safely, finding the medication that works for you can quickly become complex—which

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concerta vs adderall

Which Non-Stimulant ADHD Medication Should I Take?

Navigating the world of ADHD medications can be very confusing, especially when it comes to side effects. Stimulant medications are popular for treating ADHD because they help regulate the brain’s dopamine levels, which can improve focus and reduce impulsivity. However,

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Talking to doctor about adhd
adhd doctor online

How to Find an ADHD Doctor Online

How to Find an ADHD Doctor Online It can be challenging to find the right healthcare provider who specializes in ADHD, especially if you’re looking for telehealth services. However, finding the right ADHD health care provider is essential to get

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Patient meeting with a provider online
adhd therapy

How to Find an Online ADHD Therapist

Looking for an ADHD therapist online can present challenges, especially when it comes to vetting therapists that offer telehealth. However, it’s crucial not to let the challenges discourage you and learn which resources you can trust. In this article, we

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adhd jobs
ADHD signs and symptoms

25 Best Jobs for People with ADHD?

People with ADHD undergoing treatment for their symptoms can be excellent and inspired employees when performing the right job with the correct structures in place. While there isn’t a one size fits all career that is a “best” job for

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adhd boyfriend ignores me
ADHD signs and symptoms

My ADHD Boyfriend Ignores Me

Relationships are difficult enough as it is; ADHD takes that difficulty to a whole new level. When your ADHD boyfriend ignores you and exhibits other behavior, such as neglecting to do his fair share of the housework, it’s natural to

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adhd at work
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD at Work

While ADHD is typically associated with children, the American Psychiatric Association reports that an estimated 2.5% of adults have ADHD. Other sources put that figure at upwards of 4%, and the number may be growing upwards of 5% as diagnostics

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concerta vs adderall
ADHD Treatments

Concerta vs. Adderall

Concerta (active ingredient: Methylphenidate) is a central nervous system stimulant. It works by increasing the production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that affect hyperactivity and impulse control. These neurotransmitters help areas of the brain communicate with one another, increase

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signs of adhd in adult women
ADHD signs and symptoms

Signs of ADHD in Adult Women

While ADHD is typically associated with children, the American Psychiatric Association reports an estimated 2.5% of adults to have ADHD. Other sources put that figure at upwards of 4%, and the number may be growing upwards of 5% as diagnostics

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cleaning with adhd
ADHD signs and symptoms

7 Tips for Cleaning with ADHD

Accountability for those with ADHD is an effective way to ensure your chores get done. Chores and clutter can feel overwhelming, but when cleaning is part of your daily routine, it forces you to complete the task. There are methods

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genetic testing for adhd
ADHD Treatments

Does Genetic Testing for ADHD Medications Work?

Finding the right medication is not always easy. Different medications have different side effects that you may not tolerate; other medications may simply not work or be fully effective in treating your ADHD. If you suffer from adult ADHD and

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Female with ADHD fatigue
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD and Fatigue: The Possible Connection

In the simplest terms, ADHD can push your mind and body towards an inevitable wall of burnout, and the consequence is fatigue. If you feel you are suffering from both ADHD and possibly chronic fatigue, it’s important to know

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Two hands held
ADHD signs and symptoms

How to Help Someone with ADHD

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, often begins in childhood and can afflict a person throughout their lifetime. It is characterized by an inability to concentrate, along with several other related symptoms. ADHD is said to occur in 4% to

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female with forgetfulness and adhd
ADHD signs and symptoms

Is Forgetfulness a Sign of ADHD?

When forgetfulness is chronic, it could be a sign of an underlying health condition. 80% – 85% of children with ADHD have problems with their working memories when given various memory tests and cognitive tasks. When you also

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female with adhd paralysis
ADHD signs and symptoms

What Is ADHD Paralysis? How Do I Treat It?

Though anyone can experience analysis paralysis at times, for people with an ADHD diagnosis ADHD paralysis is an everyday occurrence. A person experiencing ADHD paralysis will find starting a large, complex project extremely daunting. If they manage to start their

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ritalin bottle
ADHD Treatments

What to Expect When Starting Ritalin

Ritalin, generically known as methylphenidate, is a stimulant medication that was first FDA-approved to treat ADHD in adults in the mid 1950s. Ritalin has proven to be safe and effective and is considered the first-line drug for ADHD

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Man studying with adhd
ADHD signs and symptoms

Succeeding in College with ADHD

College can be even more challenging for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as it can make completing things like homework and other daily responsibilities difficult to focus on. The way ADHD affects daily life might make

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Are You Born with ADHD?
ADHD signs and symptoms

Are You Born with ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a common mental disorder, affecting approximately 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults. The three main symptoms of ADHD include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. This mental disorder is often discovered in school-aged children when

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Angry ADHD man screaming
ADHD signs and symptoms

How to Cope with Anger from ADHD

The medical community previously classified anger as a symptom of ADHD. That isn’t the case anymore, but many researchers recognize anger as a common trait in ADHD sufferers. This condition, where sufferers have a difficult time managing strong emotions, affects

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Ritalin vs. Adderall: What Is the Difference?
ADHD Treatments

Ritalin vs. Adderall: What Is the Difference?

Ritalin and Adderall have varying degrees of effectiveness, as Ritalin works faster but Adderall stays active in the body longer. Adderall’s increased duration of effectiveness is one of the main reasons why it is often considered a first-choice

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Zoloft vs PaxilWhats the Difference and Which One Should I Take
ADHD Treatments

Modafinil vs. Adderall: Which One Should I Take?

odafinil and Adderall both work as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants that affect neurotransmitters in the brain. They can increase a person’s level of alertness or focus, and help them maintain a general feeling of wakefulness. Being unable to maintain

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Array of healthy foods for adhd
ADHD signs and symptoms

What to Eat When You Have ADHD

While there is no clear scientific evidence that the foods you eat cause ADHD, studies have shown that maintaining a proper diet may have an effect on your ADHD symptoms. While medication and therapy are the most important

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Man focusing at work with adhd
ADHD signs and symptoms

How to Focus at Work with ADHD

There are various strategies that can help you succeed at work despite your ADHD. These tips capitalize on strengths while minimizing the symptoms of ADHD. Try to establish them as part of your daily routine and you’ll likely have an

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adhd procrastination
ADHD signs and symptoms

Is Procrastination a Sign of ADHD?

ADHD procrastination is a far more serious matter and may completely stall any progress toward completing a task. Procrastination is an avoidance behavior. Imbalances in motivation can occur in people with ADHD, as they tend to hyperfocus on tasks they

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time management for adhd adults
ADHD signs and symptoms

Time Management for ADHD Adults

ADHD brings with it an overwhelming set of challenges. Simple everyday tasks can easily become complicated. Hyperactivity, trouble keeping focussed, interrupting others – these are just a few of the ADHD symptoms that can interfere with daily life. Time management

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Woman experiencing burnout
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD Burnout

Burnout is a feeling of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion. Burnout additionally involves negative feelings or anxious thoughts about the quality of our performance in areas such as work or school. It can be caused by dealing with untreated ADHD

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lesser known adhd symptoms
ADHD signs and symptoms

Lesser-Known Adult ADHD Symptoms

Just as no two people with adult ADHD express the disorder precisely alike, there is also no “one size fits all” type of treatment. In general, patients benefit from a multi-phasic treatment plan consisting of diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, counseling, behavior modification

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adhd myths
ADHD signs and symptoms

11 Adult ADHD Myths & Misconceptions

One of the most pervasive and potentially harmful myths about ADHD is that ADHD is a psychiatric label for a natural collection of behaviors. Proponents point to the idea that ADHD is simply a developmental stage in some children and

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adhd symptoms in adults
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD Symptoms In Adults

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that’s typified by an inability to focus or distractability, impulsivity and hyperactivity, or a combination of the two. Although it’s usually first diagnosed in childhood, ADHD symptoms can last through adulthood.

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Do you suffer from adult adhd?
ADHD signs and symptoms

The Dangers of Untreated ADHD in Adults

When left untreated, ADHD can have a significant impact on an adult ’s life. The symptoms can lead to problems such as maintaining steady employment or a lasting relationship. ADHD can also often be comorbid with other mental health disorders

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dexedrine vs adderall
ADHD Treatments

Dexedrine vs. Adderall: What is the Difference?

Dexedrine and Adderall are two of the most commonly prescribed medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Because they both contain forms of amphetamine, there are many similarities between the two medications. While Adderall is the most common

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ADHD tools
ADHD signs and symptoms

ADHD Tools for Organization & Time Management

ADHD affects the functions of the brain that help you organize and plan. This makes organizing your day difficult; however, it’s not impossible to do. Below are some effective ADHD tools for organizing your obligations and other short-term tasks

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